Siesta Key Sunset

This is another picture of the amazing sunset I saw in Siesta Key. Only 12 years old at the time, I focused on the wood of the boardwalk and blurred out the beach, sky and the sun to give the photo a very unique look (different from the other picture I took of this same sunset). Check out the other picture I took of this sunset by clicking here!
Historic Charleston Home

Personally I believe that Charleston has the most homes in the South. Each one has its own elegance, charisma and character. I was about 13 years old walking down the streets of the historic district in Charleston when this house really stuck out to me. The way the owner integrated nature in both its landscaping and the front of their house gave it a really unique and appealing look. Its warm vibes urged me to not hesitate a second longer in capturing the house’s essence in golden light.
Rainy Days in Ft. Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale is really beautiful for going on walks around city, especially near the neighborhoods and the beach. I managed to get this shot right of a canal in between two neighborhoods before it starting pouring down. However, when it began raining it gave the water a really neat look combined with reflections of the incredible houses and yachts there.
Delray Beach Friend

My family and I were walking around Delray Beach when we encountered a kind older man sitting on a bench. We were all talking to him about life in Delray Beach when he introduced us to his friendly dog. While petting him I ask to take if I could take a few pictures of his dog who was pretty much posing for the camera right when he saw it around my neck. The dog was very sweet and to my surprise was actually a guide dog for the man. He was such a tiny little dog but I could see why the owner chose him as his guide dog because the little guy was so caring and cheerful.

I found this beautiful waterfall while roaming the Japanese pathways of an incredible garden in Florida with my Leica X1. In Lightroom I played with the lights and darks of the photo and then decided to apply a B&W filter to create a tranquil mood. I also aimed to give the water a mystical look as it raced down the falls and then slowly drifted off down the river…