The Colors of Flowers

These flowers were actually in a small flower bed in a park in Charlotte, NC. I got up really close to them with my Sony A7r focusing on the closest flower. Then in Lightroom I drastically changed the cropping, straightening and angle of the shot. I shot this at f/1.2 with my Voightlander 35mm lens to get some really nice and creamy bokeh. I boosted up the colors just a bit of… Read More
Dining in Key West

Discovered this really nice outdoor dining restaurant while strolling down Duval street in Key West. This really beautiful flower also caught my eye! I decided to frame my photo by having the flower as the subject and the elegant outdoor setting in the background. Thanks to my Leica X1, I was able to get some nice bokeh in the background and also of some of the lights. I composed it so the eye would see… Read More